¡Hay un robot para eso!
Cuando piensa en robots industriales, lo primero que probablemente le viene a la mente es un robot de soldadura en una línea de ensamblaje de automóviles, pero los robots industriales de alto rendimiento están diseñados exclusivamente para mucho más. Desde la industria aeroespacial hasta el laboratorio clínico y todo lo demás, la automatización robótica puede llevar los procesos de producción de fábrica, la automatización dirigida a tareas y otras aplicaciones al siguiente nivel. Estos son solo algunos usos interesantes e impresionantes que pueden inspirarlo a implementar la automatización robótica en un futuro cercano.
Ablación con láser
Aplicación/IndustriaAutomoción, aeroespacial
Modelo de robot
Por lo general, un robot de brazo largo con una carga útil más baja (es decir, Yaskawa AR3120). Se pueden utilizar uno o más robots, según el tamaño de la pieza y el tiempo de ciclo deseado.
En aplicaciones en las que una superficie tiene un revestimiento (como pintura, grasa, esmalte, etc.) que debe eliminarse, normalmente se utilizan productos químicos. Desafortunadamente, esto crea una gran cantidad de desechos, que generalmente se consideran materiales peligrosos. El impacto ambiental posterior, y por lo tanto la regulación, dificulta el uso de solventes químicos para este proceso. Además, la cantidad de horas de trabajo manual necesarias para limpiar o raspar el revestimiento para dejar un sustrato limpio consume mucho tiempo.
Ingrese a la ablación con láser, que quema esta capa de revestimiento para dejar un sustrato limpio y puro. Luego, un filtro u otro dispositivo de contención recolecta fácilmente el recubrimiento carbonizado. Como los procesos de láser térmico requieren una celda de trabajo hermética a la luz, se requiere un robot para una seguridad adecuada. El robot también se puede programar para seguir la complicada curvatura de la superficie, en lugar del uso de otra automatización dura.
Impresión de chorro de tinta de superficies complejas
Aplicación/IndustriaAeroespacial, potencial para otros
Modelo de robot
Brazo largo para aeroespacial, más pequeño según escala.
En el pasado, cuando se aplicaban gráficos a un avión u otra superficie grande, era difícil crear detalles con precisión cuando se trabajaba con superficies curvas y complejas. Sin embargo, un proyecto de 2017 del Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) ha hecho realidad esta complicada tarea, utilizando un cabezal de impresión de inyección de tinta especial conectado al brazo de un robot. Este intrincado proceso utiliza la impresión digital para lograr un rendimiento superior y reemplaza la tradicional tarea laboriosa de pintar gráficos o aplicar calcomanías en diversas orientaciones en grandes áreas. Al igual que la ablación con láser, el robot está diseñado para maniobrar fácilmente, acomodando de manera experta los cambios en los ángulos de la superficie y manteniendo una repetibilidad y calidad de impresión constantes.
Desde el inicio de esta tecnología, empresas como el fabricante holandés de robots, XYREC, en cooperación con SwRI, Airbus y Marabu, han demostrado con éxito esta revolucionaria aplicación en aeronaves, afirmando reducir el tiempo en el taller de pintura de 16 a 5 días. Potencialmente compatible con cualquier sustrato de superficie, esta tecnología también podría usarse para aplicar gráficos únicos o personalizados a superficies más pequeñas, como textiles y vallas publicitarias, o incluso gráficos complejos a áreas de superficie más amplias.
Additive Manufacturing
Application/IndustryPrototyping, Custom Parts
Robot Model
Varies – usually a highly repeatable, 6-axis robot with six degrees of freedom (i.e., Yaskawa AR1440).
Thanks to the adoption of motion control technology, robotics and power conversion, 3D printing has reached a level of finesse and precision in recent years that is good enough to create usable parts without any (or much) finishing. Ideal for attaching unique tooling that enables a wide area 3D printer, the use of industrial robots in additive manufacturing is helping to create a diverse mix of products, including machine tooling fixtures.
Once limited to plastics, today’s technology can accommodate substances such as ceramics, composites, metals, hybrid materials and more. Most recently, advancements in slicer software within offline robot programming software has made it possible to print metal pieces using filler metal techniques such as MIG, TIG, or laser welding. These parts can then be used directly or machined as needed, saving a great deal of waste from other milling or machine techniques on a block of metal.
High-Precision Milling
Application/IndustryMachining, Custom Components
Robot Model
Versatile and powerful handling robot with a mid-range payload. (i.e., Yaskawa GP-series robots).
Traditionally an arduous manual task, milling is the process of grinding or cutting superfluous material away from a mold to form a specific structure. In an effort to increase worker safety, accelerate production rates, enhance product quality and better adhere to industry standards, companies in diverse industries are implementing the use of automated milling systems, with easy-to-program robots equipped with flexible tooling. This is often used in conjunction with 3D printing for part finishing.
Pallet Assembly
Application/IndustryPallet Production
Robot Model
6-axis palletizing robot, ranging in payload from 50 kg to 800 kg.
Difficult and dangerous, the task of manually building pallets is hard work. This, combined with the growing trend for stronger custom-designed pallets, has prompted competitive-minded manufacturers to implement robotic pallet assembly systems that provide the flexibility and consistency needed to build custom, stringer and block pallets from the same system. Likewise, freeing workers from the dull, dirty and dangerous work of pallet production allows decision makers to redeploy skilled workers to higher-value jobs within the company, maximizing return on investment.
Meat Processing
Application/IndustryMeat Packing, Poultry Production, etc.
Robot Model
Fast and powerful handling robot with a medium range payload.
While safer and more sanitary than in the past, meat packing and poultry production plants still present distinct hazards that can impact the physical health of manual workers. To reduce human error and protect employees, meat and poultry processing companies are seeking out robotic technology to drive safety, optimizing efficiency in the process. Furthermore, improvements in vision technology and end-of-arm tooling over the last decade have enabled robots to easily facilitate a variety meat processing tasks, optimizing production.
Speciman Processing
Application/IndustryClinical Laboratory
Robot Model
Varies on application (i.e, Yaskawa MotoMini for bulk oader, or a high-performance 6-axis robot with a lower payload for centrifuge).
From skilled technician shortages to rigorous accreditation requirements – along with rising specimen volumes combined with inefficient workflows – clinical laboratories are facing many challenges today. Chief among these is the pressure to expand services in creative ways, providing a more value-based care approach while yielding cost savings. In an effort to move forward into the future of Clinical Laboratory 2.0, high throughput clinical diagnostic labs are turning to robotic automation solutions to complete pre- and post-analytic specimen sorting and processing tasks.
Ribbon Tying
Application/IndustryFood and Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Products, Tacking and Logistics, Industrial Packaging
Robot Model
Compact and agile material handling robot with a lower payload.
Manual bow tying can be a tedious task, potentially causing physical harm to workers. Due to increased demand for customized packaging, ribbon tying is growing in popularity. First used in 2014 for Esther Price Fine Chocolates Candy Co., this difficult to automate application required the combined use of 3D simulation software for precise programming and a high-performance robot for greater maneuverability and consistency. Likewise, having the proper end-of-arm tooling and a controlled environment for this application was critical to achieving optimal choreographed repetition.
Entertaining / Food Assembling
Application/IndustryEntertainment, Casual Dining, Theme Park, etc.
Robot Model
Varies on application.
Not only do industrial robots help provide consistency for certain tasks in day-to-day operations, but also, they allow restaurant and other business owners to provide a unique experience to patrons. From being used for carnival rides to making egg sandwiches and dispensing ice cream, industrial robots are growing in use throughout the entertainment world. When outfitted with the proper end-of-arm tooling and equipped with the correct safety features, robots can accomplish a wide variety of out-of-the-box tasks such as bartending and more.
While the list for these unique applications could go on, the fact that industrial robots are able to add value to businesses in nearly every industry is impressive to say the least. The truth is, certain applications are extremely unsafe for humans to try, making those tasks perfect for robotic automation. Other applications that are dull or dirty are well-suited for robots, as they can fill a need where a human may not want to do the work. If you can dream it, most likely, our team of experts can make it a reality. And, if you are on the fence about whether a particular task could be automated, chances are, there’s a robot for that!Robot industrial
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