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RAM de puerto único Verilog


module single_port_sync_ram 
  # (parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 4,
     parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32,
     parameter DEPTH = 16 
  ( 	input 					clk,
   		input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]	addr,
   		inout [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]	data,
   		input 					cs,
   		input 					we,
   		input 					oe
  reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] 	tmp_data;
  reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] 	mem [DEPTH];
  always @ (posedge clk) begin
    if (cs & we)
      mem[addr] <= data;
  always @ (posedge clk) begin
    if (cs & !we)
    	tmp_data <= mem[addr];
  assign data = cs & oe & !wr ? tmp_data : 'hz;

Single Port RAM with async read and write

Banco de pruebas

module tb;
  parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 4;
  parameter DATA_WIDTH = 16;
  parameter DEPTH = 16;
  reg clk;
  reg cs;
  reg we;
  reg oe;
  reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr;
  wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data;
  reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tb_data;
  single_port_sync_ram #(.DATA_WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH)) u0
  ( 	.clk(clk),
  always #10 clk = ~clk;
  assign data = !oe ? tb_data : 'hz;
  initial begin
    {clk, cs, we, addr, tb_data, oe} <= 0;
    repeat (2) @ (posedge clk);
    for (integer i = 0; i < 2**ADDR_WIDTH; i= i+1) begin
      repeat (1) @(posedge clk) addr <= i; we <= 1; cs <=1; oe <= 0; tb_data <= $random;
    for (integer i = 0; i < 2**ADDR_WIDTH; i= i+1) begin
      repeat (1) @(posedge clk) addr <= i; we <= 0; cs <= 1; oe <= 1;
    #20 $finish;



  1. Tutorial de Verilog
  2. Concatenación Verilog
  3. Asignaciones de Verilog
  4. Bloqueo y no bloqueo de Verilog
  5. Funciones de Verilog
  6. Tarea Verilog
  7. Generador de reloj Verilog
  8. Funciones matemáticas de Verilog
  9. Formato de hora de Verilog
  10. Alcance de la escala de tiempo de Verilog
  11. Operaciones de E/S de archivos de Verilog