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Programa Java para comprobar el número primo

¿Qué es un número primo?

Un número primo es un número que solo es divisible por 1 o por sí mismo. Por ejemplo, 11 solo es divisible por 1 o por sí mismo. Otros números primos 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17….

Nota: 0 y 1 no son números primos. 2 es el único número primo par.

Programa Java para verificar si el número es primo o no

Lógica del programa:

public class PrimenumberToCheckCheck {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int remainder;
  boolean isPrime=true;
  int numberToCheck=17; // Enter the numberToCheckber you want to check for prime
  //Loop to check whether the numberToCheckber is divisible any numberToCheckber other than 1 and itself
  for(int i=2;i<=numberToCheck/2;i++)
   //numberToCheckber is divided by itself
            System.out.println(numberToCheck+" Divided by "+ i + " gives a remainder "+remainder);
       //if remainder is 0 than numberToCheckber is not prime and break loop. Else continue the loop
  // Check value true or false, if isprime is true then numberToCheckber is prime otherwise not prime
     System.out.println(numberToCheck + " is a Prime numberToCheckber");
     System.out.println(numberToCheck + " is not a Prime numberToCheckber");


17 Divided by 2 gives a remainder 1
17 Divided by 3 gives a remainder 2
17 Divided by 4 gives a remainder 1
17 Divided by 5 gives a remainder 2
17 Divided by 6 gives a remainder 5
17 Divided by 7 gives a remainder 3
17 Divided by 8 gives a remainder 1
17 is a Prime Number

Consulta nuestro programa para Encontrar Números Primos del 1 al 100


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